Angel Wings Pet Cremation
Angel Wings Pet Cremation

Happy Hearts Animal Rescue Ranch
Happy Hearts Animal Rescue Ranch
Happy Hearts Animal Rescue Ranch is a licensed 501(c)3 Missouri animal shelter. Happy Hearts resides on the same personal property as Angel Wings Pet Cremation. Happy Hearts does not pay rent, utilities or any other property expenses. Happy Hearts has no salaries or personnel expenses.
ALL (100%) proceeds from Happy Hearts fundraisers and donations go to the animals in the way of food, medical expenses, fencing or other miscellaneous animal supplies. Angel Wings Pet Cremation was created as a personal business for personal income which in turn pays all the property expenses and all other animal needs at times when donations run low. No money donated to Happy Hearts is used to fund Angel Wings, just the opposite, a portion of the income from angel Wings Pet Cremation will be donated to Happy Hearts in addition to continuing to provide the facility at no cost to Happy Hearts. Happy Hearts is currently the temporary home for 28 dogs, 5 cats, 2 blind horses, 2 pot-bellied pigs and 9 bunnies.